Cage The Cat
The finish line is rapidly approaching on the Clearly Scale Hellcat Challenger. Were going to be assembling the major components and adding the final touches, so lets get to it!
After the engine installation from our last episode, the interior is mated to the inside of the body. The body is then cinched around the chassis
The CS set, nor the GW set, does not come with any stem valve detail, so some scrounging in the spares bin revealed some left-over spares from Hobby Design.
Brakes, wheels attached and aligned. Some small detail added and the tires clean up for a more “wiped down” look in the showcase. Not sure why the signal light looks like shit in this picture, maybe the contrast caught some pixels weird when I tried to show off the stem valve.
Again I went a little off into the left here and decided that despite the superiority of the GW exhausts, I’d scratch-build my own from hollow aluminum tube spares. Perhaps rather than sticking with the kit mufflers and cats, next time ill do some sort of straight-through Borla system.
Left Shows the added detail and photo etch while the right shows everything painted and decaled.
Lastly before we head to the photo booth with the Challenger, a little side-by-side action with the engine bay. Now you could definitely go the extra mile by fully wiring and plumbing the engine but for simplicities sake and to highlight features of the kit, I felt it may be too overwhelming for some. Until the next one, see you there!